My Mexico list…


I have a running list in my drafts folder that I add to now and then.  I came across it today and after adding a few new things, decided I should just share it on here with you.  I have SO little time to blog these days that I figure if I’ve got something written down, I might as well share it.  😉  So here it is!  Things I love about living in Mexico.

  • When we’re running late, no one minds! We will likely still be the first ones to arrive!
  • My kids are perfectly comfortable in 2 very different cultures.
  • I am learning to speak another language, and so are my girls!
  • Flowers are cheaper than dirt. Literally.
  • Awesome Chiapas coffee, French pastries, Argentinean steak, and Japanese sushi… all in the same block!
  • My kids get to witness God providing for our needs on a regular basis, in miraculous ways!
  • Due to the constant flow of visitors, my children are learning to interact with a lot of different people, and are also turning into great little hostesses.
  • The green!!! I never knew there were so many shades of green until I saw the vegetation here.
  • The coziness of falling asleep or waking up to the sound of rain… for months at a time!
  • Getting to be a part of people experiencing Mexico for the first time. Seeing people’s perspective on missions and the world change before our eyes!
  • Hot, fresh tortillas. And a tortilleria (a store that makes and sells them) just around the corner. Just pennies for a little stack of them.
  • I have a new and fresh appreciation for my beloved United States of America. Everything sparkles a bit brighter when we go back.
  • We are just a couple hours drive from several different beaches/oceans.
  • Produce here tastes different. Mangoes are sweeter, avocados are creamier (and cheaper) and pineapples taste like they’ve been dipped in sugar!
  • Our life here is chalk full of uncertainty, which I prefer to call “ADVENTURE!”
  • Hearing Nathan and myself refer to Casa Hogar as “our orphanage” and knowing that we have a relationship with those kids that we wouldn’t have if we didn’t live here.
  • Cilantro grows in my back yard like a weed!
  • Knowing that we are smack in the center of where God wants us to be right now. That, in and of itself, is worth any sacrifice we have to make to live here. No amount of American comforts can replace the peace and joy that comes with knowing that you are being obedient to His call on your life!

8 responses »

  1. Thanks for this list, I can just picture these things. It’s so nice to hear praises! I know there is negative and sadness everywhere, but we have a choice to rejoice, and thank God for the small special daily blessings He sends to remind us of His love. It just depends what you choose to focus on.


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